
produced and arranged by Kristian Schultze add. vocals: Jane Bogart, Vera Hardt       The womans-choire of Diessen         Guitar: Manuel Lopez                   Keyboards: Kristian Schultze         recorded and mixed at D.I.Musikstudio        by Kristian Schultze


On my way to "Dreamtime-Timedream"I was accompanied by people without whomI would hardly have made it into the rarified atmosphere of my "Dreamtime".

Thanks to Kristian Schultze, my husband, for his music and his love and for making “Dreamtime - Timedream†a reality. Nicole, Alexander, Jasmin and Andreas,my children, whose enthusiasm is like pure oxygen.Elfi Ammann,who wrote lyrics with me, inspired and drove me on. Jane Bogart, for supporting me with her voice and her encouragement, without which I would have been lost in the desert. Harald Steinhauer, for believing in me and letting me know it. Tom Winter, for his friendship, for his way with words. Rosalyn Bruyere, my teacher, for her strength and support along my way of the Dreamer.             B. Swan


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